Sunday, April 13, 2014

Venting in the Car Wash

I hear a lot of talk about how we shouldn't expose our feelings.

"Stop the drama, keep it to yourself, don’t lose your cool, and this is no place to vent"!

You know if you don't have an outlet to vent the air, or gases in your clothes dryer you could cause a house fire. We all know the damage a house fire can cause.
I don't want my brain to be scorched!  

If you put a lid on a pot of boiling water it will run over. Then you have a mess to clean up. I've seen the messes I've had to clean up when my mind exploded. You can say sorry, but you can't take it back!

I'm no dryer, but when it starts getting built up and I think I'm going to detonate, I have to vent.  My brain is too full and it’s all trapped inside. Susie shouldn’t have told me about Charlie. Or George shouldn’t have lied about it. There is not a lock on my tongue and my brain has no file department were I can store secrets and gossip.

There is one place that is fabulous for venting. The car wash! Let me tell you  something that sent me to the car wash.

Sitting at the kitchen table I told my husband to look at the cute little chipmunk that was running around in the yard. He let me know that that was probably the little creature that chewed the wires to my windshield wiper sprayer "thingy". Right then, that cute little creature became a dirty little rat!! Do you know how important that sprayer is to me? In my mind it was enough to change the stripes on that cute little critter to a grungy little monster.

And do you know what happens to newly washed, shiny black cars? The “rat’s” feathery little friends use it for target practice! Your car becomes the “Potty Mobile” of the neighbor hood. That sends you to the car wash, because when you pull the stick for the windshield fluid to do its job, it doesn’t work because the “rat” cut his teeth on the wires.

It’s hard to drive when you are going down the road with a yellow baseball size, slimy spot, right in front of your eyes. I can’t drive and gag at the same time!

What better place to vent about it than in the car wash. I can yell, call names, and give the world a piece of my mind. No one will ever know, so I won’t offend anyone.

But.....even the car wash can cause the mind to flip. The day I thought my car was rolling and looked and saw it was in park, I jerked the emergency brake up, only to realize it was the motion from the car wash  that tricked my mind. 
(Which is not very hard to do)
That day I was too busy laughing at myself, and thanking God no one was with me to see it.

Or how about the day when the flapping cleaners knock my side mirror in and I thought it was BROKE. 
I didn’t know the mirrors fold in. Who has time to read that “encyclopedia” manual they give you with the car. 

I drove the car a couple of years before I knew it had an escape knob in the truck. I was so glad I overcome the urge to kidnap that kid and poke him in the truck when he was smart mouthing his mom at Wal-Mart. He could have escaped and got me in a lot of trouble!!! hehe jk!!

Oh and the time I didn't look at weather report and it was beautiful outside!!! I would drive in, have my venting session, and when I start to pull out it’s raining cats and dogs. Or in my own words rats and birds.  I took my front tag off with my name on it, so no one knows who I am now!
Do you know how embarrassing that is? I know everyone in the station was looking at me thinking I must have escaped the funny farm. Wash your car while it was raining. IT WASN'T RAINING WHEN I PULLED IN! 

Maybe the Lord knew I needed to get all the rubbish out of my system that day. 

Finding a healthy way to vent can even help to relieve anxiety, something more and more of us are suffering from in these times. 

Few I feel better. This is my new spot for venting now. Yep, I’m Uh Venting!

signed: a happy whiner

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