Sunday, April 13, 2014

Even Jesus Used a Whip

Telling someone how you feel isn't always wrong. It's how you do it that makes it wrong. Even Jesus used a whip in the temple when He saw the people abusing the temple for their own purpose. What they were doing wasn't wrong, it was where they were doing it that made it unbearable for Jesus.

Weigh out that thought that is causing you to want to vent. We should train our thinking to look ahead.
  1. What will this venting cost me?   
  2. Who will it hurt? Sometimes it hurts the people around the situation more than it hurts the person that caused the problem.
  3. What is our motive for needing to tell a person they are wrong? Is it because we want to help someone to improve and keep them from making a matter worse, or is it because we just want to make a circumstance better for our self? 
  4. Is it any of our business?  Think about it. If it doesn't concern us, then it's not our place to vent our feelings.  Unless we are asked for advice.
  5. Consider how many times lately have you felt the need to vent. You may have picked up a bad habit. 

Proverbs 17:27 - He that hath knowledge spareth his words: [and] a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.


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